Saturday, January 4, 2020

Anti Semitism Is The Hatred And Persecution Of The Jews

Anti-Semitism is the hatred and persecution of the Jews. It can be traced back to the 1800s in a mild form, but it continually increased until the Holocaust, in which millions of Jews were killed in concentration camps. There were several components which caused this increase in the hatred of Jews, such as religion or the economy. A major example of these components is the publication of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. It was an entirely fictional piece of work, but people believed the book which created fear in everyone that was not Jewish. This book, although not true in the slightest, caused people to become fearful of Jews, which in turn increased anti-Semitism in Europe. In order to fully understand the impact of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, one must first understand the origin of anti-Semitism. Anti-Semitism is usually only discussed in relation to the Holocaust; however, anti-Semitism runs much deeper than that. It is said that the first half of the twentieth century was the high point of anti-Semitism. The term â€Å"anti-Semitism† was first coined by Wilhem Marr in the 1879 in his pamphlet titled The Victory of Judaism over Germanism. Anti-Semitism is the hatred of and insensitivity toward Jews. People tend to associate anti-Semitism with the Holocaust because Hitler persecuted millions of Jews in concentration camps during the Holocaust. However, anti-Semitism was prevalent throughout the western world decades before the Holocaust. According to someShow MoreRelatedAnti Semitism Vs. Europe1707 Words   |  7 PagesAngelo Monaco Mrs. Kwietniak English II CP 23 December 2016 Anti-Semitism v. Europe There has always been a persistent turmoil across Europe for all of history- from the time of the early Church up until and through World War II. It was prevalent in Spain when a dispute arose of who would succeed the royal throne following the death of Charles II. 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